It Shouldn’t Take Blood, Sweat, And Actual Tears Just To Get Sales To Your Course, Group Programme Or Membership!


When: February 17th at 2pm GMT / 9am EST

So can I take my existing online offer and turn it into a conversion machine in just one day?

Well yes, and no.

If your offer isn’t converting because it doesn’t do what it promises, then I can’t help you, and also you probably need to reconsider your life choices.

But if you have great testimonials and results from your students and you don’t know why your offer isn’t converting… Then yes yes yes..the answer is an emphatic YES, I can help you in ways your competitors can only dream of.

But First, Let Me Ask You A Question:

Imagine your favourite local restaurant launches a new menu, full of delicious looking items you’d love to try.

In fact, as you glance down the new items you see a dish that makes you salivate…

It’s full of all your favourite ingredients and sounds like perfection on a plate.

How likely would you be to book a table?

Compare that to a new restaurant just opening in your area.

You see the menu online and it looks good, but you’re a little nervous because you’ve not eaten there before.

There’s some good reviews on their website, and the photos of the food look good, but there’s still a little doubt in your mind…

How likely are you to book a table here?

The majority of humans are far more likely to go to their tried and tested restaurant, the one they already know like and trust, the one they’ve already had at least one good experience at.

And when it’s written out like this it seems pretty obvious, right?

But how can we apply this same principal to our online offers?

But First, Let Me Ask You A Question:

Imagine your favourite local restaurant launches a new menu, full of delicious looking items you’d love to try.

In fact, as you glance down the new items you see a dish that makes you salivate…

It’s full of all your favourite ingredients and sounds like perfection on a plate.

How likely would you be to book a table?

Compare that to a new restaurant just opening in your area.

You see the menu online and it looks good, but you’re a little nervous because you’ve not eaten there before.

There’s some good reviews on their website, and the photos of the food look good, but there’s still a little doubt in your mind…

How likely are you to book a table here?

The majority of humans are far more likely to go to their tried and tested restaurant, the one they already know like and trust, the one they’ve already had at least one good experience at.

And when it’s written out like this it seems pretty obvious, right?

But how can we apply this same principal to our online offers?

To do this, we need to understand that a paying customer is ALWAYS better than a lead. Especially if you’re paying money to acquire them.

When you sell to people who have already made a purchase with you, even if it’s a small one, your conversion rates will increase. And though it may cost more to acquire a customer than it will to acquire a lead, you will have a group of people who are ready to buy when you present your offer to them.

To do this, we need to understand that a paying customer is ALWAYS better than a lead. Especially if you’re paying money to acquire them.

When you sell to people who have already made a purchase with you, even if it’s a small one, your conversion rates will increase. And though it may cost more to acquire a customer than it will to acquire a lead, you will have a group of people who are ready to buy when you present your offer to them.

But This Is Just Part Of The Method We Have Used With Multiple Clients To Get Crazy Conversion Rates, Just Like Sarah

But This Is Just Part Of The Method We Have Used With Multiple Clients To Get Crazy Conversion Rates, Just Like Sarah

So, Part One Of Our Method Is To Sell To Paying Customers.

Part Two Is All About The Offer Itself.

The thing is, most entrepreneurs think their course, group programme or membership is truly fantastic. And it usually is.

You have great results, glowing testimonials, and you know what you do will truly make a difference to your students’ lives.

However, as the creator of the offer, positioning it in a way that will actually sell becomes so much harder.

You see, there are a number of things that need to be in place to nudge prospective buyers ‘off the fence’ and across to ‘OMG let me give you all my money’.

And the great news is, it rarely means changing your offer itself, the content etc - though sometimes we do make a few tweaks.

More often than not, it’s all about how it’s presented to the prospect.

And this means there are some pretty simple fixes that can be made to ensure your offer is presented in a way that gets a ‘hell yes’ from your prospects.

I call this combination of the two parts my Conversion Catalyst Method, and it’s what we use for all of our funnel clients at my design studio, Orenki Creative.

And usually, they’re the only ones who get to see and learn about the different aspects of my method, but I am about to share with you a way you can learn all my tricks of the trade.

But First, Who Am I To Even Share All Of This With You?

In case we haven’t met yet, my name is Cat and I am totally obsessed with bringing killer design, conversion based strategy and great tech together to create solutions that not only look phenomenal, but bring in the big bucks, too.

I also love to binge-watch netflix, snuggle with my 4 Dachshunds (yep, you read that right, there are 4!).

Balance is very important to me and I am very anti-hustle as I am living with a rare form of cancer, and likely always will be. So ensuring I don’t get too tired, overwhelmed, or sick are a high priority.

But back to work, as I’ve mentioned before, I run a digital design studio called Orenki Creative, alongside my husband, Mike. We work with digital entrepreneurs helping them maximise their expert status through a beautifully designed digital presence. In other words, we make experts look good online.

I am a certified master marketer and certified master persuader for online businesses. These two certifications, alongside all my work with clients, are what have helped me create my signature method that ensures we get great conversions time and time again for our clients.

But enough about me, this is about you and your business.

Are you ready to learn how to increase your conversions without offering discounts, having to extend your cart open days, throw in extra bonuses that end up taking forever to create or ‘padding’ your offer with content that doesn’t actually create results just to make it seem like it’s worth more?

Then I have just the solution for you!

But enough about me, this is about you and your business.

Are you ready to learn how to increase your conversions without offering discounts, having to extend your cart open days, throw in extra bonuses that end up taking forever to create or ‘padding’ your offer with content that doesn’t actually create results just to make it seem like it’s worth more?

Then I have just the solution for you!


An online intensive half-day workshop where I teach you the fundamentals you need in place to increase conversions to your course, group programme or membership.


What Will We Be Covering?

During our time together in the workshop I will be going through:


An online intensive half-day workshop where I teach you the fundamentals you need in place to increase conversions to your course, group programme or membership.


  • Features & Benefits

Most of us as business owners focus on the features of our offers and not the benefits. I will break down how you can use benefits to nudge your prospects off the fence and what the different kinds of benefits you need to include are.

  • Offer Positioning

Here's where we'll go through some of the main offer positioning points that most business owners leave out of their offer. All are vital to increasing conversions and will make a huge difference to your course, group programme or membership sales.

  • Price

There are some key aspects of the price and how your offer is presented price-wise vs value that make all the difference when it comes to increasing sales.

Also Included:

  • Planning sheets

We will collectively fill these in during the workshop. They will act as your personalised action plan once the workshop is over for what you need to tweak in your offer.

  • Pop Up Facebook Group

Opening on Thursday 10th February this group will be a supportive community during the process. It will stay open for the month of February and be a safe place for you to share your offers, gain feedback and cheer each other on in making the changes needed to increase conversions.

At the end of our time together you will come away with a clear action plan of items ready to get to work on. All of which will seriously impact your conversion rates. I will go over each area in detail and give examples so you’ll know how to take the learning and apply it to your offer no matter your niche.

Imagine increasing your conversion rates by 5%, what would that mean for your business?

How about 10%? Or even 20%?

Because, when you connect to your prospects on a psychological level your offer starts to become a no-brainer for them. So much so, that they start to realise it really is the only solution to their problem.

And with more people in your course, membership or group programme not only does that mean more income for you, but also it means more impact with all the extra people you get to help in the way only you can.

Did Somebody Say Bonuses?

As well as everything you'll gain from the workshop itself, I have a couple of extra goodies to help you once you've crafted your offer to ensure your sales page is set up for success!

01. Sales Page Blueprint PDF

Once you've tweaked your offer from all the info in the workshop you'll need to adjust your sales page to suit. To help make this as easy as possible I have a blueprint I use for all my own and my client sales pages. This PDF will help you set out all the right sections and ensure you've included everything we cover within the workshop.

02. Headlines that Hook Training

The headline is one of the most important parts of your sales page as it's what will entice the prospect to keep reading down the page. This mini-training will dive into headlines, what you should and shouldn’t include, as well as having a super speedy prompt worksheet to help you create your sales page headline.

02. Headlines that Hook Training

The headline is one of the most important parts of your sales page as it's what will entice the prospect to keep reading down the page. This mini-training will dive into headlines, what you should and shouldn’t include, as well as having a super speedy prompt worksheet to help you create your sales page headline.

  • Conversion Catalyst Live on Feb 17th

[VALUE: £597]

  • Recordings of both sessions

[VALUE: £197]

  • planning sheets to fuel your offer

[VALUE: £197]

  • Members area

[Value: 97]

  • Pop up Facebook Book group

[value: £197]

  • Bonus: Sales Page Blueprint PDF

[value: £297]

  • Bonus: Headlines that hook training

[Value: £97]



Today’s Earlybird Price = £17


Your Offer Done Or Your Money Back- Guaranteed

Conversion Catalyst Live will put all your “I can’ts” on blast and will empower you with packaging & positioning strategies that only the 1% know. If you attend the intensive live and by the end of the day, you feel like I have not delivered on my promise, please ask for your money back. No seriously, I insist. Send me one email & I will issue a 100% refund, no questions asked.


Your Offer Done Or Your Money Back- Guaranteed

Conversion Catalyst Live will put all your “I can’ts” on blast and will empower you with packaging, selling & positioning strategies that only the 1% know. This means that not only will you be ready with your offer, but also have every tool in your arsenal to sell it with ease & delight. If you attend the intensive live and by the end of the day, you feel like I have not delivered on my promise, please ask for your money back. No seriously, I insist. Send me one email & I will issue a 100% refund, no questions asked.

Here’s what people say about my training:

Here’s what people say about my training:

  • Conversion Catalyst Live on Feb 17th

[VALUE: £597]

  • Recordings of both sessions

[VALUE: £197]

  • planning sheets to fuel your offer

[VALUE: £197]

  • Members area

[Value: 97]

  • Pop up Facebook Book group

[value: £197]

  • Bonus: Sales Page Blueprint PDF

[value: £297]

  • Bonus: Headlines that hook training

[Value: £97]



Today’s Earlybird Price = £17

Got Questions?

When and where will the training take place?

The training is happening on Thursday 17th February. It will happen on zoom and you will be emailed the private link. We'll kick off at 2pm GMT / 9am EST and the first session will run for 60-90 mins. We'll stop for a short break to refresh and meet back for another 60-90 minutes.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes, at the end of the second session I will be staying on for a little longer to answer any specific questions you may have that weren't answered during the workshop itself. There may be other opportunities during the workshop, also.

How long will it take me to make the edits to my offer?

It really depends on how many of the different areas we cover aren't already implemented in your offer. We'll spend a little time on each of them so you will have made a start already during the workshop, meaning it could just mean an extra hour or so afterwards and you're done. Or, you may have got it all done during the workshop itself.

I already have an offer that converts OK, do I need this?

That’s really up to you and whether you feel that improvements can be made to your existing set-up? With my money-back guarantee, it makes it easy to check it out and then decide.

I don't have an offer that's ready yet, will this still help me?

Absolutely! The great thing is that if you don't have an offer finished yet, you'll be able to use the teachings from the workshop to ensure when you do create one, it will be designed to convert from the get-go.

Does this only work for business related offers?

No! This can work in any niche. I’ve had clients in health and wellness, childcare, beauty, all sorts!

What if I don't know my conversion rates?

If you're looking to increase existing conversion rates is useful to know what they are so you have data to compare to. You'll need to check your current tech set up and see what the page views are for your sales page, then know how many sales you've made. You then divide the sales number by the page views, times that by 100 and you have your conversion rate %. If this is something you're stuck on, we can discuss it more within the facebook group.

I don't have a big audience yet, will this work for me?

Absolutely! You definitely don’t need a huge audience to get sales. It is a numbers game, though, so if you’re aiming for 10% conversion rates and 100 sales you’ll need 1000 people to view your page.

Got Questions?

When and where will the training take place?

The training is happening on Thursday 17th February. It will happen on zoom and you will be emailed the private link. We'll kick off at 2pm GMT / 9am EST and the first session will run for 60-90 mins. We'll stop for a short break to refresh and meet back for another 60-90 minutes.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes, at the end of the second session I will be staying on for a little longer to answer any specific questions you may have that weren't answered during the workshop itself. There may be other opportunities during the workshop, also.

How long will it take me to make the edits to my offer?

It really depends on how many of the different areas we cover aren't already implemented in your offer. We'll spend a little time on each of them so you will have made a start already during the workshop, meaning it could just mean an extra hour or so afterwards and you're done. Or, you may have got it all done during the workshop itself.

I already have an offer that converts OK, do I need this?

That’s really up to you and whether you feel that improvements can be made to your existing set-up? With my money-back guarantee, it makes it easy to check it out and then decide.

I don't have an offer that's ready yet, will this still help me?

Absolutely! The great thing is that if you don't have an offer finished yet, you'll be able to use the teachings from the workshop to ensure when you do create one, it will be designed to convert from the get-go.

Does this only work for business related offers?

No! This can work in any niche. I’ve had clients in health and wellness, childcare, beauty, all sorts!

What if I don't know my conversion rates?

If you're looking to increase existing conversion rates is useful to know what they are so you have data to compare to. You'll need to check your current tech set up and see what the page views are for your sales page, then know how many sales you've made. You then divide the sales number by the page views, times that by 100 and you have your conversion rate %. If this is something you're stuck on, we can discuss it more within the facebook group.

I don't have a big audience yet, will this work for me?

Absolutely! You definitely don’t need a huge audience to get sales. It is a numbers game, though, so if you’re aiming for 10% conversion rates and 100 sales you’ll need 1000 people to view your page.

Here's the thing...


What if you don’t take part in this workshop… And your conversion rates stay as they are? What does that mean for your business? How does the growth you’re longing for actually happen?

And, with my money-back guarantee, you get to take part risk-free. You get to soak in all the knowledge and see if it will work for you and then decide. Wouldn’t you rather make that decision with the information you have rather than the information you don’t?

  • Conversion Catalyst Live on Feb 17th

[VALUE: £597]

  • Recordings of both sessions

[VALUE: £197]

  • planning sheets to fuel your offer

[VALUE: £197]

  • Members area

[Value: 97]

  • Pop up Facebook Book group

[value: £197]

  • Bonus: Sales Page Blueprint PDF

[value: £297]

  • Bonus: Headlines that hook training

[Value: £97]



Today’s Earlybird Price = £17